There is one activity, however, that is just so extreme, so totally rad, and so thrilling; that it actually makes bass jumping sit in a corner and weep. Some people call it: "Passing the parcel".
I call it: "The Circle of Death". That's right folks. Who knows what might happen when the music stops. It's like life itself comes to a standstill when the music stops; especially if Pandora's box is in your hands. I have never felt more alive. It's like your soul is intertwined with the music and pulsates with it; without the music you're just an empty hollow shell waiting with bated breath. or something.
Some "punishments" can be downright embarrassing, whilst others can exalt the "punished" to cult-like status. Like the 16 year old kid who lost the game yesterday. He will go down in the annals of history as the kid who danced to Barney's "giggly wiggly goggly woggly song," all while the video was been flashed on the big screen.
You may ask where I witnessed such a horrendous occurence. Well you probably think it was awesome if you're below the age of five. And I pray that you're older than five. From this point on, five is officially the minimum age to be able to visit this blog. Please leave if you're under five. Thank you for visiting.
As I was saying, you may very well ask where I saw the man-barney. It was somewhere in Bukit Merah I believe, I had gone there for lunch. A friend invited me for his church's Good Friday lunch. It was nice. Until the scarred-me-for-life Barney man dance.
Anyway, what followed was a short compilation of the goriest scenes from Passion of the Christ, but that was ok I guess, because noone was dressed up in a purple dinosaur suit. The church sure lost the "element of surprise" after they used the Barney dance. Otherwise I'm sure the passion would have stirred me a bit more. Man, Barney sure is creepy. So anywho, there was some more Christian stuff, after which I came home. btw.. in case you're wondering, I'm still a devout Hindu. "karma is my dharma". I love saying it the funny way. Maybe devout is pushing it, but then again, if Barney couldn't convince me, I don't think there's much else that can.
Oh and I bought my ticket for home today. whee! And I also filled up my feedback evaluation form for all the lecturers today, which is also pretty exciting if you're me. I'll leave you with a short excerpt from "who would you like to nominate for the educator award and why." The answer is my math prof CTS, and here's why:
"he's cool. i really made an effort to go for his classes. even though i missed a lot of them, the ones i did attend were pretty sweet. hes also a good tutor. he genuinely can connect with students i think. he has a great laugh that makes others crack up as well. if more lecturers were like him, classes would be awesome."