Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Gone Vorse

(inspired by actual events/ based on a true story)

The day goes by, and here I sit;
the time will come, in just a bit.
The dreariness is killing me,
asleep is where I wanna be.

My eyes they start to close themselves;
but hey, who's gonna do those shelves?
And then the boss just walks right in...
says "Boy, this fist is craving chin"

"Oh hey!" I say, "You're back I see"
"Got work for me?" I ask with glee.
"Alright" he says "read this here book,"
the weight of which made the table crook.

[the line above's a syllable extra
but do you really give an F ya?]
And on we march with this story,
and no, it don end in glory.

Some time goes by; the book is read;
now I'm hanging on by a thread.
How much longer before I crack,
and end up like that guy on smack?

Oh wait, oh wait, its ten I see!
I'm free!! or well, at least its time for tea.

(written in iambic tetrameter quatrain; sorta spondee couplet ending, kno wha i be sayin?)


Aesa said...

dear Floet!

U get funnier by the post :P

VV said...

omg thankyou. a COMMENT!

its like NO ONE reads this weblog.

Aesa said...

LOL.. u left me no choice!
U said u were gonna stop bloggin if no comments :P :P

Anonymous said...

"Boy, this fist is craving chin"

attaboy...that line alone makes this poem hot.

Nabeel K said...


Spawner! You've got the funny bone!

read, some do, but do not leave
a comment, just to make varma peeve

[now which iambus is that?]

Anonymous said...

haha.. that would be master yoda "iambus" =P

Anonymous said...

'Boy, this fist is craving chin'
Haha. I sang it, its hilarious. Try it :P


Anonymous said...


update update.
we wannn more poetry. no wait, floetry!!!


Anonymous said...

impressive Mr.Varma!!!!! lol :D