Wednesday, March 08, 2006


There's something I have to tell you. You may want to sit down for this. You sitting? No? ok up to you. You ready? ok. here goes: I laugh at lame jokes.

At this point you're probably wondering... 'wth'. Well, just hear me out. This isn't the 'jeez-thats-so-lame' laugh. I actually find the lame, silly jokes that people here can't get enough of funny. But I hold the laughter in. Well, actually I just try to hold it in, until I no longer can, following which I make either a rattling kk-khh sound (you know, like when those dementor things are about to suck a soul out) or a weird suppressed giggle sound (you know, like when you suppress a giggle).

So there it is. I laugh at jokes that other people think aren't funny. Now that doesnt mean that I dont have a sophisticated sense of humor, and lack panache or am a complete goofball. I also completely dig sarcam, irony, slapstick , wry witty humor, not to mention dead baby jokes.

After making that confession, I also want to make a resolution to laugh out loud at anything I think is funny. So the next time I burrst out laughing while you're rolling your eyes, and making a face, either join in the fun, or ignore me :p

so, one day these two atoms were walking down the street, and one of them says to the other. "Dude, I think I just lost an electron". The other atom asks, "are you sure?" To which the original atom replies, "yea, I'm positive."

1 comment:

mangosteen said...

vrnvrma really is hilarious. post more often!