Friday, July 21, 2006

Anger.. Management..grrr

So I'm in my office right now, and I just failed my driving test. (twas bout 2 hrs ago)
Failed. After 3 years of 'learning'; I failed. (he asked me to drive around the town in reverse, who does sh*t like that)
For some reason I was just angry after failing. So livid and soo florid. I was this close "" (space between the quotes) to running over that instructor guy. Grr. I hope I don't kill the man on wednesday(restest day)

But I'm ok now. After all, how many people actually fail driving tests (in India?). Very few I'm sure. If thats not resume material, I dunno what is. After all, anything that makes one stand out is good right? HHaaanyway, hopefully this imbroglio will sort itself out on wednesday. (or i swear, that homie's gonna be pushing up daisies).
also, failing driving tests is the stuff teen movies are made of. and its kinda funny. pretty funny actually.

Havent updated blog in a while. Will do it when im back in the spore i guess. I watch cooking shows in my free time, and internet is slow at home.



Aesa said...

ok.. u're the first indian i know who failed a drivin test..
dun worry the instructor was prolly a mean miserable sexually frustrated guy with a receding hairline and an IQ od 20..

cookin shows? really?? bad drivin. cooking. wow u becomin a woman.
ok i mus not be sexist.. n say such stuff. my feminist mom will disown me.

Anonymous said...

cooking is good

Anonymous said...

Cooking is great to be sure, but not as viewing pleasure. I do hope you're putting it into practice or else failing the driving test wouldn't be worthwhile. After all, you could have practised driving while watching a cookery show.
Or maybe I'm just bored and want to derive sadistic pleasure from your miseries. Anyways, hope you did well on the second one.

Anonymous said...

anyWAY bitch.

VV said...

hmm anyway..

yeah so.. i DID pass the driving test. he failed everyone else that day. he asked questions like "what is 185?" and "what is 122?". and then fails you if you dunno the answer. apparently you're supposed to know the rules or something.

and by cooking shows.. i mean more of those travelish shows where they go to weird places and eat weird stuff. and then show you how to cook your own weird stuff.

and just btw... my driving skills are impeccable.

Anonymous said...

umm if by teen movies you mean "clueless!!!!"