Friday, January 27, 2006

Week three

Week three.Thats when they begin. Tutorials. And life is never the same again. Well, at least for a few weeks.

Also, its mad season again. Internship time. I'm drafting my cv right now; and will probably have applied to my first batch of companies by the end of this week. It's been a really busy week, even though I haven't been doing a terrible amount of work. I'll lagging terribly in my academic classes. The plan is to catch up over this CNY break. Gong Ci Fa Cai to all you lunar new year celebrators. Archery tomorrow morning at 8 if I can wake up.

I wonder.. don't weblogs get boring when they are filled with mundane things-i-did-today posts. And that's how this blog has been getting lately.

Next Wednesday I will be going down to see this public speech being delivered by our very own, APJ Abdul Kalam. Should be something.

Note to self: Priority one is academics. Always. That's something I've been ignoring in college I think. Not acoustica, archery, sport, marketing. Remember.

grandee signing off.

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